Authors are encouraged to submit complete manuscripts. IEEE Sensors Letters is a rapid disclosure publication focusing on the numerous sensor technologies spanned by the IEEE, and on emerging sensor technologies. Papers submitted to this journal will be limited to a maximum length of 4 pages which includes a minimum of single column restricted for references. Authors with papers exceeding 4 pages are encouraged to submit to IEEE Sensors Journal. The IEEE Sensors Letters does not republish papers that have appeared in conference proceedings.
Please do not send original submissions or revisions directly to the Editor-in-Chief or Associate Editors. Submissions to the IEEE Sensors Letters are to be made electronically through the IEEE Author Portal. The site contains instructions on how to proceed with downloading one’s submission.
Authors are required to prepare manuscripts employing the double-column style template for IEEE Sensors Letters (see –MS Word template
–Latex template).
More general information on article preparation and submission, templates, etc. can be found in the IEEE Author Digital Toolbox, .../authors_journals.html
Your submitted manuscript will be sent to reviewers who will evaluate your work. You must suggest at least two potential reviewers as part of the submission process. Suggesting reviewers is expected to expedite the review of your manuscript. Please suggest only those who work at institutions other than your own and with whom you have no collaborative or other technical or family ties.
The IEEE Sensors Council cannot tolerate unfortunate situations when authors submit the same, or nearly identical, manuscript to more than one journal. In such cases:
- the manuscript in question will be immediately rejected
- other manuscripts of the same authors/co-authors currently under review will be returned
- the authors/co-authors will be prohibited from new submissions to the Journal for at least one calendar year.
The text of a submitted manuscript should not exceed four double-column formatted pages. Since changes resulting from the peer review may require additions to papers manuscripts, it is strongly recommended that authors practice economy in preparing original submissions. Sensors letters should be submitted using the manuscript template.
The abstract of the submitted manuscript should be prepared according to the requirements.
By policy, IEEE owns the copyright to the technical contributions it publishes. To comply with the United States copyright law, authors of accepted papers are required to submit online a completed IEEE Copyright Form. The form returns to the authors and their employers full rights to reuse their material for their own purposes. More information on IEEE Copyright policy can be found at the following IEEE site, policy.html
There are no voluntary page charges associated with this online journal.
Color figures in online postings (IEEE Xplore) are free.
This Journal follows the IEEE practices on units and abbreviations, as outlined in the Institute’s published standards; see IEEE Information for Authors kit at abbreviation.pdf.
All mathematical expressions must be legible. Do not give derivations that are easily found in the literature; merely cite the reference.
To contact the IEEE Sensors Journal Publication Office, please send email to [email protected].